
Wrote a blog about it. Wanna hear it? Here it goes.


My name is Kris, AKA Divorced Dad 101.  Divorced after a 20 year relationship, I am finding my way. I am here to tell you that being a single dad to three teens is doable.

This blog is about me. It is about my kids. It is about sausage (my “fourth” child, a former student, just gave me some for Christmas). It is about the past, present, and future.

So what does that mean for you?   Through my ramblings I hope that you will find hope, laughter, and ideas for how to be the best formerly married parent that you can be. And I’m not kidding about the sausage.


One thought on “About”

  1. Hi,
    I am The single parent in Twitter. Please check out my new website. Still in the works. But, would love to put your articles and share ideas on how you can contribute to my mission for single parents.



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